Why Are Construction Disputes Almost Never Straightforward?
That’s the big question that comes up most among our clients, colleagues and advisors

CONSTRUCTION DISPUTES are inherently very complex to resolve because they usually cross over several professional disciplines, to varying degrees and with varying weightings for each of these, depending on circumstances.
If there is a deficit in knowledge, appreciation, understanding and practical experience of any of these separate disciplines, this can quickly give rise to areas of doubt and uncertainty.
This can lead parties to seek external advice from consultants, lawyers and experts — in many cases solely to justify an entrenched position.
Many parties to a dispute can find themselves deep into an alternative dispute resolution process, looking for an entitlement that may not exist in reality.
But a party armed with the benefit of weighted, expert advice across all disciplines will increase enormously its chances of early resolution or of avoiding unnecessary proceedings.
John Farage O’Brien is one of the few consultancies which can provide this advice to a consistently high standard, with qualifications, expertise and experience in all relevant disciplines.